College of Dentistry Faculty Publications | College of Dentistry | Howard University


Submissions from 1973

The use of bucrylate* * Johnson & Johnson. to achieve hemostasis in tooth extraction sites, Daniel Howard, Virgil E. Whitehurst, Robert Bingham, and James Stanback

An amalgam and composite resin splint for posterior teeth, Elena L. Liatukas

Education of dental health professionals, J. C. Sinkford

Submissions from 1972

Clinical evaluation of a syringe-loaded gun, Daniel Arefian, Joseph L. Henry, and Virgil Whitehurst

Clinical evaluation of two bitewing instruments, Farouk Mourshed

A comparison of paralleling and bisecting radiographic techniques as experienced by dental students, Farouk Mourshed and A. Lorenzo McKinney

Submissions from 1971

A study of intraoral radiographic errors made by dental students, Farouk Mourshed

Submissions from 1970

Gagging-a problem in prosthetic dentistry, Craig R. Means and Ingeborg E. Flenniken

Submissions from 1969

A radiographic survey of 1,000 Egyptian edentulous patients, Farouk Mourshed

A histologic study of replanted and transplanted endodontically and nonendodontically treated teeth in dogs, D. L. Rothschild, A. A. Goodman, and K. R. Blakey

Pulpal and periapical tissue response to butyl 2-cyanoacrylate, George W. Wade

Submissions from 1968

Compound composite odontoma. Report of two cases, Narendar N. Soni and Theodore H. Simpson

Primary amyloidosis. Review of the literature and report of a case, James S. Stanback and Frederick D. Peagler

Submissions from 1967

The Protein Matrixes of the Teeth and Periodontium in Hamsters: A Tritiated Proline Study, Arnett A. Anderson

Polarized Light and Microradiographic Study of Dental Tissues in Dentinogenesis Imperfecta, Narendar N. Soni, Joseph L. Henry, Maria Silberkweit, and Barbara P. Coombs

Microradiographic and polarized-light study of dental tissues in vitamin D-resistant rickets, Narendar N. Soni and Sandy C. Marks

Submissions from 1966

Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas metastatic to the mandible, Raymond L. Hayes, Thomas J. Pinson, and La Salle D. Leffall

Some observations on Arkansas Indian skulls, Jimi D. Mehta and E. Carl Sensenig

Mineralization Patterns of Dentin of Human Teeth, Mildred Romans

Microradiographic Study of Odontologic Tissues in Cooley’s Anemia, Narendar N. Soni, Frank E. Barbee, Angella D. Ferguson, and Barbara A. Parrish

Microradiographic study of dental tissues in sickle-cell anaemia, N. N. Soni

Submissions from 1965

Heterotransplantation of Tooth Germs, Harold S. Fleming and Narendar N. Soni

A microradiographic-microphotometric and polarized-light study of the demineralization pattern in carious lesions, Narendar N. Soni, Maria Silberkweit, and Barbara A. Parrish

Submissions from 1964

Pattern of Mitotic Activity and Cell Densities in Normal Gingival Epithelium of Children, Raymond L. Hayes, Maria Silberkweit, Narendar N. Soni, and T. H. Simpson

Submissions from 1963

Pattern of Mitotic Activity and Cell Densities in the Epithelium of Inflamed Gingivae of Children, Maria Silberkweit, Narendar N. Soni, and Raymond L. Hayes

Submissions from 1962

Parotid Gland Extracts and Mice Submaxillary Glands, Harold S. Fleming

The effect of salivary gland extracts on tooth development, Harold S. Fleming

Submissions from 1961

Transitional Ameloblastic Activity Zone in Mice Teeth, Harold S. Fleming

Submissions from 1960

Parotid gland heterotransplants and shope papilloma virus, Harold S. Fleming


Submissions from 1959

Comparative Effects of Fluorides on Mice Femurs, Harold S. Fleming

Parotin and Growth Centers of Femurs and Incisors in Mice, Harold S. Fleming

The Carcinogen 20-Methylcholanthrene and Salivary Gland Transplants, Harold S. Fleming

Submissions from 1958


Predental Requirements - Purpose And Philosophy, Russell A. Dixon

Submissions from 1957


Graduate Study- A Must For Clinical Teachers In Dentistry, Russell A. Dixon

Submissions from 1955


An Overall Philosophy Of Treatment Of Periodontal Disease And Case Analysis, Russell A. Dixon