"The Protein Matrixes of the Teeth and Periodontium in Hamsters: A Trit" by Arnett A. Anderson

The Protein Matrixes of the Teeth and Periodontium in Hamsters: A Tritiated Proline Study

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This investigation has presented observations regarding (1) scintillation counting of tritium activity in the plasma of hamsters given 3H-proline, (2) light microscopic autoradiographic observations of the protein matrixes of the teeth and periodontium, and (3) the relationship between the plasma tritium level and autoradiographic observations. Tritium activity in the plasma was detected as early as 2.5 minutes postinjection. The autoradiographs clearly showed intracytoplasmic labeling of the ameloblast, odontoblast, and osteoblast cells 15 minutes postinjection. The plasma tritium curve showed two peaks, one at 10 to 15 minutes and a second at 4.5 to 6.5 hours postinjection. The second peak appeared to parallel rather closely the time when the autoradiographs showed the tracer being initially transferred from an intracellular to an extracellular location by most of the cellular elements. Tritium activity in the plasma extended over a period of approximately 20 days. The autoradiographs suggested that the plasma activity beyond 5 days postinjection was in a form nonutilizable by the cells. The results of this investigation indicate a distinct difference in the renewal rate of the collagenous structures of the periodontal ligament, pulp, and alveolar bone compared with that of the collagenous matrixes of dentin and cementum. © 1967, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved.

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