"DURKEE, James" by MSRC Staff


MSRC Staff

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Publication Date



Title: Papers, 1831-1938 Description:6 linear ft.

Notes: Minister, educator, Howard University President. Includes diaries, sermons, pastoral prayers, manuscripts, correspondence, a marriage record book for 1910-1918, photographs, and legal papers of his father, James Joseph Durkee. Also contains a scrapbook of genealogical information on the Durkee family from 1630-1898.

Subjects: Artists; Corning, S. D. Baptist Church; Clergy; Durkee, James Stanley Boston Herald Boston, Massachusetts; Newspapers Congregational Church; Clergy; Durkee, James Stanley Congregational churches; Clergy; Papers Congregational churches; Sermons Corning, S. D. Durkee, Joseph James Durkee family; Genealogy Genealogy; Durkee family Howard University; Presidents; Durkee, James Stanley Howard University, Washington, DC; President Literature and literary affairs; Papers of persons active in; 19th and 20th centuries; 1830s and after Newspapers; Boston Herald Prayers and prayerbooks; Congregational churches Propaganda; Russian Russia; Propaganda Sermons; Durkee, James Stanley Sermons; 19th and 20th centuries; Congregational

Location: Howard University, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (Washington, DC) NIDS Fiche #: 4.72.35 NUCMC Number MS 83-1231
