"ANDERSON, Marion" by MSRC Staff


MSRC Staff

Document Type


Publication Date



Title: Papers, 1939-1943 Description: 1.5 linear ft.

Notes: Singer. Consists of copies of clippings relating to Anderson and the Daughters of the American Revolution controversy. Also contains correspondence, speeches, petitions, lists, and reports arising out of the activities of the Marian Anderson Citizens Committee.

Subjects: Bethune, Mary McLeod Citizens' associations; Conductors (music); Stokowski, Leopold Daughters of the American Revolution; Relating to Daughters of the American Revolution; Race relations Daughters of the American Revolution; Washington, DC Hepburn, Katharine Holidays; Easter Howard University; Music School Marian Anderson Citizens Committee, Washington, DC Race discrimination Race relations; Washington, DC Roosevelt, Eleanor Singers Singers; Anderson, Marian Stokowski, Leopold Washington, DC; Citizens' associations; Marian Anderson Citizens Committee Washington, DC; Race relations

Location: Howard University, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (Washington, DC) NIDS Fiche #: 4.72.1 NUCMC Number: MS 62-4295
