"SUMMERS, Henry Howard" by MSRC Staff

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Publication Date



Title: Papers, 1896-1939 Description: 1 linear ft.

Notes: Methodist minister and educator. Programs of various African Methodist Episcopal churches which Summers served as pastor or guest speaker; programs and other papers of Howard University, Oberlin College, Payne Theological Seminary, and Wilberforce University; biography of Bishop David Henry Sims and notes relating to his work; and other papers largely concerned with Summers' activities as student, minister, and educator. Gift of the Summers family.

Subjects: African Methodist Episcopal Church Afro-Americans (for all permanent residents of the United States of black African ancestry); Education Afro-Americans (for all permanent residents of the United States of black African ancestry); Religion Colleges and universities; Ohio Howard University; Students; Summers, Henry Howard Methodist churches Methodist churches; Education; Seminaries Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio Oberlin College; Students; Summers, Henry Howard Ohio; Education; Colleges and universities Ohio; Education; Colleges and universities; Seminaries Payne Theological Seminary Payne Theological Seminary; Faculty; Summers, Henry Howard Sims, David Henry Theological seminaries; Methodist Theological seminaries; Ohio Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio


Howard University, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (Washington, DC) NIDS Fiche #: 4.72.109 NUCMC #: MS 62-4280
