"MARTIN, Charles" by MSRC Staff


MSRC Staff

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Publication Date



Title: Papers, 1860-1865 Description: 1 linear ft.

Notes: Soldier. Journal, volunteer lists, general and special orders, blank forms, roll books, muster roll, forms for receipt of clothing, hospital statements, death statements, and poll tax records of colored people in Louisiana; returns of enlisted men in the company of Norman R. Martin. Many are connected with "K" Company, 20th Regiment of the U.S. Army stationed in Louisiana during 1864 and 1865. Card index in the library.Gift of Mrs. Martin, 1959.

Subjects: Afro-Americans (for all permanent residents of the United States of black African ancestry) Blacks; Louisiana Blacks; Medical affairs; Military affairs; Civil War Civil War; Blacks; Troops Civil War, 1861-1865; Campaigns and battles Civil War, 1861-1865; Louisiana Civil War, 1861-1865; Medical and sanitary affairs Civil War, 1861-1865; Personal narratives Civil War, 1861-1865; Registers of dead Civil War, 1861-1865; Registers, lists, etc. Civil War, 1861-1865; Supplies Louisiana; Afro-Americans Louisiana; History; Civil War, 1861-1865 Louisiana; Population elements; Blacks Louisiana; Tax; Poll tax Martin, Norman Poll tax; Louisiana

Location: Howard University, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (Washington, DC) NIDS Fiche #: 4.72.74 Control No.: MS 62-4285
