Submissions from 2007
Evaluation of Biological Response of UMR-106 Cells to Porous PHBV Matrix., John Stubbs
Submissions from 2006
Molecular expression profiles of extracellular matrix proteins in human skin diseases, Agnes Day
Molecular expression profiles of extracellular matrix proteins in human skin diseases, Agnes Day
African-American mitochondrial DNAs often match mtDNAs found in multiple African ethnic groups [published correction appears in BMC Biol 2006; 5:13], Bert Ely, Jamie Wilson, Fatimah Linda Collier Jackson, and Bruce Jackson
Novel cystogenic role of basic fibroblast growth factor in developing rodent kidneys., Marina Jerebtsova
Phosphorylation of HIV-1 Tat by CDK2 in HIV-1 transcription., Marina Jerebtsova
Characterization of bacterial isolates from diabetic foot infections from Ile-Ife, southwestern, Nigeria., Kunle Kassim
Characterization of bacterial isolates from diabetic foot infections from Ile-Ife, southwestern, Nigeria., Kunle Kassim
Microbial Isolates in early swabs of open musculoskeletal injuries., Kunle Kassim
Microbial Isolates in early swabs of open musculoskeletal injuries., Kunle Kassim
RACK1 mediates multiple hormone responsiveness and developmental processes in Arabidopsis, Hemayet Ullah
Rapid signaling at the plasma membrane by a nuclear receptor for thyroid hormone, Hemayet Ullah
Submissions from 2005
Digenic control of colouration in the two-spot gourami Trichogaster trichopterus trichopterus, Jack Frankel
Problem solving: A foundation for modeling, Janet Hodder, George Middendorf, and D. Ebert-May
Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to glomerular cells in newborn mice., Marina Jerebtsova
Fibroblast growth factor-2 increases the renal recruitment and attachment of HIV-infected mononuclear cells to renal tubular epithelial cells., Marina Jerebtsova
Nuclear targeting of protein phosphatase-1 by HIV-1 Tat protein., Marina Jerebtsova
Neuroprotective effects of nicotine against salsolinol-induced cytotoxicity: implications for Parkinson’s disease., Yasmine Kanaan
Antibiotic resistance profile of staphylococci from clinical sources recovered from infants., Kunle Kassim
Antibiotic resistance profile of staphylococci from clinical sources recovered from infants., Kunle Kassim
Effects of root extracts of fagara zanthoxyloides on the in vitro growth and stage distribution of Plasmodium falciparum., Kunle Kassim
Effects of root extracts of fagara zanthoxyloides on the in vitro growth and stage distribution of Plasmodium falciparum., Kunle Kassim
Submissions from 2004
Human genetic variation and health: New assessment approaches based on ethnogenetic layering, Fatimah Linda Collier Jackson
Inheritance of Trunk Banding in the Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi Characidae), Jack Frankel
Ethiopian soils harbor natural populations of rhizobia that form symbioses with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Serawit Kassa, Desta Beyene, Franklin Ampy, Amha Asseffa, Tadesse Gebremedhin, and Peter Van Berkum
Amebiasis and comparison of microscopy to ELISA technique in detection of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar, Clarence Lee
Is there an antipredator blood-squirting defense in the bull horned lizard, Phrynosoma taurus?, George Middendorf
Responses of Kit Foxes (Vulpes macrotis) to Antipredator Blood-Squirting and Blood of Texas Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum), Wade Sherbrooke, George Middendorf, and M Douglas
Bone Cell Viability on Collagen Immobilized Poly (hydroxyl) Butyrate Valerate., John Stubbs
Submissions from 2003
Nuclear protein phosphatase-1 regulates HIV-1 transcription., Marina Jerebtsova
Inherited BRCA2 mutations in African Americans with breast and/or ovarian cancer: a study of familial and early onset cases., Yasmine Kanaan
Expression of recombinant IRP-like Plasmodium falciparum protein that specifically bind putative plasmodial IREs., Kunle Kassim
Expression of recombinant IRP-like Plasmodium falciparum protein that specifically bind putative plasmodial IREs., Kunle Kassim
Determination of the Efficacy of the Antigen Extraction Technique in the Pathfinder-EIA Chlamydia Detection System, George Ndeta, Broderick Eribo, and James Gregory
Submissions from 2002
Behavior of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in tomato and processed tomato products, Broderick Eribo and Mogessie Ashenafi
Caudal Spotting in the Beacon Fish (Hemigrammus ocellifer Characidae), Jack Frankel
Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to renal glomeruli in rodents., Marina Jerebtsova
Humoral immune response to recombinant adenovirus and adeno-associated virus after in utero administration of viral vectors in mice., Marina Jerebtsova
Protein Phosphatase-1 dephosphorylates the C-terminal domain of RNA Polymerase-II., Marina Jerebtsova
The NMDA receptor M3 segment is a conserved transduction element coupling ligand binding to channel opening, Kevin Jones, Hendrika VanDongen, and Antonius Vandongen
Role of a heterotrimeric G protein in regulation of Arabidopsis seed germination, Hemayet Ullah, Jin-Gui Chen, Shucai Wang, and Alan Jones
Submissions from 2001
Characterization of partially transesterified poly(β-hydroxyalkanoate)s by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Broderick Eribo
An IRP-like protein from Plasmodium falciparum binds to a mammalian iron-responsive element., Kunle Kassim
An IRP-like protein from Plasmodium falciparum binds to a mammalian iron-responsive element., Kunle Kassim
Assessment of antimalarial effect of ICL670A on in vitro cultures of Plasmodium falciparum., Kunle Kassim
Assessment of antimalarial effect of ICL670A on in vitro cultures of Plasmodium falciparum., Kunle Kassim
Blood-Squirting Variability in Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma), Wade Sherbrooke, George Middendorf, and C. Guyer
ABP1 is required for organized cell elongation and division in Arabidopsis embryogenesis, Hemayet Ullah
Modulation of Cell Proliferation by Heterotrimeric G Protein in Arabidopsis, Hemayet Ullah
G Protein Regulation of Ion Channels and Abscisic Acid Signaling in Arabidopsis Guard Cells, Hemayet Ullah, Xi-Qing Wang, Alan Jones, and Sarah Assmann
Submissions from 2000
Stimulation of plasminogen activator and inhibitor in the lymphatic endothelium, Agnes Day
Stimulation of plasminogen activator and inhibitor in the lymphatic endothelium, Agnes Day
Correction of argininosuccinate synthetase (AS) deficiency in a murine model of citrullinemia with recombinant adenovirus carrying human AS cDNA., Marina Jerebtsova
Liver bypass significantly increases the transduction efficiency of recombinant adenoviral vectors in the lung, intestine, and kidney, Marina Jerebtsova
Long-term gene transfer to mouse fetuses with recombinant adenovirus and adeno-associated virus vectors. Gene, Marina Jerebtsova
Inhibitory factors in breast milk, maternal and infant sera against in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite., Kunle Kassim
Inhibitory factors in breast milk, maternal and infant sera against in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite., Kunle Kassim
Biospheric Cooling and the Emergence of Intelligence, David Schwartzman and George Middendorf
Submissions from 1999
BRCA-1 mutations in African Americans, Agnes Day
BRCA-1 mutations in African Americans, Agnes Day
Monogenic control of iris coloration in the January tetra (Hemigrammus hyanuary Characidae), Jack Frankel
Macrophage responses to Toxoplasma antigens in vitro: a possible role in inflammatory lesions in toxoplasmosis., Kunle Kassim
Macrophage responses to Toxoplasma antigens in vitro: a possible role in inflammatory lesions in toxoplasmosis., Kunle Kassim
Submissions from 1998
Submissions from 1997
Concerns and priorities in genetic studies: Insights from recent African American biohistory, Fatimah Linda Collier Jackson
Growth of Trypanosomes in Vivo, Host Body Weight Gains, and Food Consumption in Zinc-Deficient Mice, Patricia Humphrey, Mohammad Ashraf, and Clarence Lee
Hepatic cells' mitotic and peritoneal macrophage phagocytic activities during Trypanosoma musculi infection in zinc-deficient mice, Patricia Humphrey, Mohammad Ashraf, and Clarence Lee
Submissions from 1996
The generation and use of recombinant human bone sialoprotein and osteopontin for hydroxyapatite studies., John Stubbs
Submissions from 1995
Isolation and analysis of nephritic-producing immune complexes in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice, Clarence Lee and Eric Toran
Antisera and cDNA probes to human and animal model noncollagenous proteins of bone matrix., John Stubbs
Submissions from 1994
Changes in immunoglobulin levels in zinc-deficient mice infected with Trypanosoma musculi, Patricia Humphrey, Clarence Lee, and Mohammad Ashraf
Submissions from 1992
Interaction of nutrition and infection: effect of copper deficiency on resistance to Trypanosoma lewisi, A. Crocker, Clarence Lee, Georgiana Aboko-Cole, and C. Durham
Canid Elicitation of Blood-Squirting in a Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum), George Middendorf and Wade Sherbrooke
Submissions from 1991
An Evolutionary Perspective on Salt, Hypertension, and Human Genetic Variability, Fatimah Linda Collier Jackson
Submissions from 1988
Trypanosoma lewisi: effects of trace metal contaminants on immunological responses, Yvonne Hogan and Clarence Lee
Submissions from 1987
Interaction of trace metal contaminants on hematological responses: Influence of infection with trypanosoma lewisi, Yvonne Hogan and Clarence Lee
Responses to snake odors by laboratory mice, Paul Weldon, Frances Divita, and George Middendorf
Submissions from 1985
Influence of dietary cyanide on immunoglobulin and thiocyanate levels in the serum of Liberian adults, Fatimah Linda Collier Jackson
Submissions from 1984
Extracellular enzyme production by Rhizopus and Mucor species on solid media, D Thompson and Broderick Eribo
Submissions from 1983
Interaction of nutrition and infection: effect of zinc deficiency on immunoglobulin levels in trypanosoma musculi infection, Clarence Lee, Patricia Humphrey, and Georgiana Aboko-Cole
Submissions from 1981
Changes in native alcohol dehydrogenase activity of Drosophila upon treatment with guanidine hydrochloride, urea and heat, Gurbachan Miglani and Franklin Ampy
Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase: Developmental studies on cryptic variant lines, Gurbachan Miglani and Franklin Ampy
Statistical analysis of cryptic variation in Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase, Gurbachan Miglani and Franklin Ampy
Fungal metabolite from members of the genus Rhizopus, D Thompson, A Smalley, and Broderick Eribo
Submissions from 1980
Immunobiology of schistosomiasis, Clarence Lee, Mohamed Elhelu, and Georgiana Aboko-Cole
Submissions from 1979
The interaction of nutrition and infection: A succinct review, Clarence Lee and Georgiana Aboko-Cole
Immunobiology of malaria, Clarence Lee, Yvonne Hogan, and Georgiana Aboko-Cole