Contraceptive practices and reproductive patterns in sickle cell disease

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A questionnaire was administered to 52 females with sickle disease of genotypes Hgb SS, SC, and S-thalassemia, and to 80 control subjects. They answered questions pertaining to their contraceptive habits, their reproductive habits, and their sexual activity. It was found that sexual activity differed significantly for the 2 groups: only 38% of the females in the sicle cell group reported sexual activity compared with 81% of the females in the control groups. Contraception was used less frequently by the sickle cell group (33% vs. 66%). The most commonly used method was an oral contraceptive. However, barrier methods were chosen by the cumulative majority. The 2 groups exhibited similar rates of contraception but differences in the outcome of the pregnancies--sickle cell patients experienced more miscarriages and premature births. There was a greater percentage of cesarean sections among sickle cell patients (46%) compared to 18% in the control group. author's modified

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