Hypodopaminergia and “precision behavioral management” (PBM): It is a generational family affair

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Background/Aims: This case series presents the novel Genetic Addiction Risk Score (GARS®) coupled with a customized pro-dopamine regulator matched to polymorphic reward genes having a hypodopaminergic risk. Methods: The proband is a female with a history of drug abuse and alcoholism. She experienced a car accident under the influence and voluntarily entered treatment. Following an assessment, she was gen-otyped using the GARS, and started a neuronutrient with a KB220 base indicated by the identified pol-ymorphisms. She began taking it in April 2018 and continues. Results: She had success in recovery from Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and improvement in so-cialization, family, economic status, well-being, and attenuation of Major Depression. She tested negative over the first two months in treatment and a recent screening. After approximately two months, her parents also decided to take the GARS and started taking the recommended variants. The proband’s father (a binge drinker) and mother (no SUD) both showed improvement in various behavioral issues. Finally, the proband’s biological children were also GARS tested, showing a high risk for SUD. Conclusion: This three-generation case series represents an example of the impact of genetic infor-mation coupled with an appropriate DNA guided “Pro-Dopamine Regulator” in recovery and enhancement of life.

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